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Sorghum Molasses
Sorghum molasses is a rich, brown, sweet, thick syrup that is enjoyed on hot biscuits, pancakes oatmeal, and grits, it can be used as a sweetener in baking and cooking. Sorghum syrup comes from a plant usually called “sweet sorghum," it's made by cooking the juice from the stalk of the plant, evaporating the water, concentrating the sweetness. Sorghum syrup has quite a few nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium making it a better choice than other sweetners.
21 ounce glass bottle
21 ounce glass bottle
Delano Community Farm
Delano, TennesseeDelano Community Farm in Delano, Tennessee is a Mennonite community-run farm. The farm is not certified organic, but it tries "to raise our crops in a safe and responsible way and make use of cover crops, barnyard manure and compost to build up and maintain the land."No herbicides or pesticides are ever used.