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Infused Sunflower Oil
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Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Red Pepper, Black Pepper, Oregano, Basil, Garlic, Kosher Salt, Rosemary & Parsley
Oliver Farm
Pitts, GAThe oil business came about from an idea several years ago when fuel prices soared and the American economy faltered. There was a lot of talk about alternative fuel sources. That sparked an interest in an area that I knew very little about. I began researching, visiting oil plants, and talking to individuals in this field. My initial thought was to make my own fuel. The equipment needed to extract oil is expensive, and the savings on fuel would not pay for the equipment for many years. I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of people who influenced me to consider growing, processing, and selling food grade oil During this time I discovered the cold pressed method of oil extraction which does not use chemicals or high temperatures to remove the oil, This process leaves valuable vitamins and nutrients in the oil. The oil also retains its natural flavor and color. In 2012 I grew my first crop of sunflowers for oil production and by the end of
As oil production has expanded and I begin to understand a little more about the properties and uses of various oils I am filled with awe and wonder at the countless ways it can be used. Naturally tasty, nut and seed oils are necessary for balanced nutrition. They can be used in fuel, cleaners, soap, cosmetic products, and have medicinal uses as well. Our simple process, genuine care for your approval, and desire to keep it pure and fresh make Oliver Farm a natural choice for any pantry.
Clay & Valerie Oliver