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Banner Butter - Lemon Chive


Banner Butter teams up with one of its few culinary equals: Dark Chocolate. First, they carefully select the finest cocoa to fold into their small-batch, hand-churned butter. Then they add just a touch of sugar and sea salt to create a slow-cultured butter that is both uncommon and delicious.

Banner Butter crafts its butter using the freshest cream, culture, and a batch churn process that takes up to 20 times longer than mass-production methods. The result is a butter with superior flavor and creaminess.

Ingredients: cream, chives, sea salt, lemon oil, lemon zest, cultures

5 ounces 

Banner Butter

Atlanta, GA

Banner Butter, a small-batch butter, is made with cultured cream from hormone-free, Georgia-raised, grass-fed cows using sustainable, rotational grazing practices.

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